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margin notes/margin screenshots


To all authors and editors,
During our last meeting we had a discussion about the margin
notes/margin screenshots in our manual. Here are some quotes:

I want to ask authors to reduce the number of margin notes
The margin notes should be for optional material only. Short asides. 
They especially shouldn't be lengthy paragraphs. Marginnotes should extend a concept...not explain a new one.

...and also screenshots in the margin! I think this is a bad idea. 
the only screenshots that should be in the margin are ones that are naturally small enough to fit there.

So, could you please have a look at the chapter/section assigned to you and see if there are margin notes 
you can move to the main text? See example (1).


As an example, have a look at this lengthy margin note:
Tip: Pressing Super+S will show the content
of the workspaces on one screen. Super key is
also known as the Windows key (Win key). It is
located between the left Ctrl key and Alt key.
Furthermore, holding the Super key will cause
Ubuntu to superimpose a number onto the
first ten applications in the Launcher and also
display screen full of useful shortcuts (known
as the Heads-Up Display discussed later in this
chapter). You can launch an application with a
number n on it by typing Super+n.

It might just as well be placed in the main text like this:
Holding the Super key, also known as the Windows key (Win key),
located between the le? Ctrl key and Alt key, will cause Ubuntu to super-
impose a number onto the first ten applications in the Launcher and also
display a screen full of useful shortcuts. You can launch an application with
a number n on it by typing Super+n.

On the other hand, I have added a margin note:
To change the Launcher icon size, go
to Session Indicator ? System Settings ?
Appearance, tab Look.
because this is a side note.