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unity8 - segmentation fault


Hello guys. I guess this question was asked a lot of times before, but,
since a mailing list doesn't have a "search" engine, here we go:

Well, i'm porting ubuntu-touch to Sony Xperia S (lt26i), and was able to
boot and play with the phone-shell in quantal-phablet-mwc. but, after that,
in newer releases, I can't start the shell. Ubuntu boots, adb is available.
I can do an adb root, adb shell and ubuntu_chroot shell into device. but
when calling ubuntu-session (or ubuntu-touch-session) it stops right after
it run. If I try to call unity8 alone, it gives me a segmentation fault. I
think this segmentation fault is the cause for the killing of
ubuntu-session, since it wait for unity's PID to end to call it's on_stop

Ah, I think is important to say that, when flashed the quantal-mwc and make
a apt-get update && apt-get upgrade, when the phone reboots, it happens the
same thing that if I flash a non mwc-demo image.

I Don't make any idea of why I'm getting this segmentation fault, and i
don't know how to trace it to.  If any of you can give me some clue, at
least, of where to start searching, it will be a great Help.

Thanks in advance!