On Fr, 2013-08-30 at 12:53 -0300, Ursula Junque wrote:
I wrote something similar about a month ago that is waiting to be
integrated to the cdimage machinery, there's a branch waiting for
review. The idea is to have something like that but for every Ubuntu
image that is generated. The script shows, like yours, the added,
removed and changed source packages between images, also displaying
the package changelogs, and also showing the packages that aren't in
the archive yet (on PPAs). You can find an output example here [1].
I can set it up to run as a cronjob like you did, while the script
isn't integrated (which I hope will happen), so you don't have to
maintain yet another script that should be supported officially soon.
I know your time is precious specially these days. :)
this is awesome, yes, lets please have that somewhere integrated in the
datacenter (preferably merged into cdimage)
i was about to reply to loic, my script currently runs on my desktop
machine at home and is not really production safe (i wrote the original
one years ago for quick local comparison and just remembered it again,
it wasn't really designed as a data center reporting tool)
we obviously have a need for that info so lets see that we get your
change into cdimage asap ... :)