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Message #04819
Re: Predictive text
Thanks Pat,
I can confirm that this worked for me too:
adb shell sudo -iu phablet gsettings set com.canonical.keyboard.maliit
predictive-text true
But only English predictive text (My system is set to de German)
There is a serious usability issue as you may know:
Clicking on a predictive choice should add "word " (word plus space ) this
is very important and should not be hard to implement. Otherwise it's not
very usable since you have to press space every time.
One more request: Can anyone please tell me if there is any combination of
keys to make a screenshot ?
(In Android was Power und Volume down at the same time if I remember well)
Thanks for your advice! This afternoon I will probably update to the new
2013/10/23 Pat McGowan <pat.mcgowan@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
> On 10/23/2013 12:57 PM, Martin Fasani wrote:
> Hello,
> I just wanted to know how I can enable Predictive text in some easy way.
> This worked for me, but I only tried English.
> adb shell sudo -iu phablet gsettings set com.canonical.keyboard.maliit
> predictive-text true
> I've seen someone has taken care of this here:
> https://code.launchpad.net/~attente/ubuntu-system-settings/enable-predictive-text
> I would wait until gets in the next updates, but I need to write text in
> German, and arrght! I'm almost crying. German is a nice language. For ex.
> Ambulance:
> in Spanish: Ambulancia
> in Italian : Ambulanza
> in German: Krankenwagen [?]
> --
> *Martin Fasani
> *
> *Touch tester :)
> *
*Martin Fasani *
+49 017686763646
*Skype: * fasani

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