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Re: No more custom home screen backgrounds?


Tim Peeters [2014-03-26  1:51 +0100]:
> I guess that is a matter of taste. One thing to consider though, is that a
> dark background may be beneficial for the battery life of the device.

Oh, is it? TFT displays don't work like that: the background
illumination is always the same, and the display pixels just
filter/hide it at that particular position. So if anything, you save
battery life with dark text on bright background (i. e. the new theme)
as you can generally use a lot less intense background illumination.

That's of course different for active displays where the pixels
themselves emit light (OLED, plasma, etc.).

I'm not up to date on that, but I'm curious: What's the usual
technology on current phones? The ones I see regularly are already two
or three years old, and definitively have TFT. It appears to me that
the Nexus 4 is TFT as well, but I could be wrong of course. I had the
impression that OLEDs are not yet mature enough for hi-res phones, but
maybe they are now?

That said, a purely personal emotion: yay for a black-on-bright
schema! It's so much more eye friendly while you are in a bright
environment, and I tend to use my phone a lot more during the day than
at night. A white-on-black "night mode" based on the illumination
sensor or just the time of day would be extra-cool, of course :)



Martin Pitt                        | http://www.piware.de
Ubuntu Developer (www.ubuntu.com)  | Debian Developer  (www.debian.org)

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