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Re: Landing team 10.04.14


On 04/10/2014 11:07 AM, Didier Roche wrote:

> **  When using multiple webapps they crash randomly, if there is only one app
> remaining, this one starts being replaced when new ones start (David)
> https://launchpad.net/bugs/1303676
> -> the oxide part is fixed. However, there is still some work needed to have it
> fully fixed from an user perspective.

This was discussed today at length. The remaining issues are discussed in the
bug[1] (comments 29 and 30).

As it stands now, two items remain:

1. low memory killer and/or OOM is called more often with webbrowser-app and
   webapp-container using oxide than with qtwebkit
2. appmgr is not cleaning up all the stopped processes when a process in the
   process group is killed

For '1', for compatibility with 13.10 webapps in the store, webapp-container and
webbrowser-app load *both* qtwebkit and oxide and detects which to use at
runtime. This is likely the cause for the OOM, though the webapps team will need
to comment on if/when/how this will be fixed. Perhaps '1' it can be fixed with
some dlopen magic?

For '2', Unity's appmgr needs to be a little smarter and notice that if the
leader is killed, the other processes in the process group need to also be
killed. There are a couple of variations on a solution for this, the merits of
which are being discussed. '2' should not affect webapp-container on the desktop
since applications are not managed by appmgr at this time (ie, the timing of
14.04's release needn't play into its priority). Chris and the Phonedations team
will work together on a patch for this starting tomorrow. This won't be
available in the image until next week (at the earliest) though.

Should this block image promotion? IMHO '2' should not block if '1' is fixed
since we shouldn't hit '2' very often. I'm less sure if '1' is not fixed--
perhaps this is another case where we let it through this time but block for
next promotion?


Jamie Strandboge                 http://www.ubuntu.com/

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