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Landing team 29.04.14


Hello everyone!

Good news! We have promoted an image today! #2 is the first promoted in
the line of utopic images o/
After gathering feedback from two dogfooders and analyzing the test
results from smoketesting, we decided that the quality of the image is
stable, with no new regressions sneaking in. The #2 image includes
mostly the yesterday-mentioned Qt fixes.

Image #2 smoketesting wasn't all-green, but the failures that we
encountered looked like existing issues from previous, trusty images.
Most of them are simply flaky tests that still need to be taken care of.

For those who would like to upgrade to the new utopic images from their
old trusty devices. Please remember that for a normal upgrade trusty ->
utopic, the trusty image used on your phone had to be fetched from the
devel-proposed channel. If you were flashing your phone earlier from the
trusty-proposed channel instead, you will not see any possible update
from the device level - you have to sadly re-flash (using
ubuntu-device-flash for instance) from the devel-proposed channel. No
wiping of data is required, so no worries!

In the meantime, we resumed normal landings and already published some
new packages to the archive. We just started building image #3 - it
doesn't include any of the big landings that we had in plans, but we
still think that having 2 images a day is the way to go.

For the things that will be landed shortly? We have 3 bigger landings
queued up: unity8, ubuntu-download-manager and Mir! Let's hope we'll
have those released tomorrow (or even earlier).

On the usual front - would be nice to get some feedback on those:

* Serious issues:

** Music/Calendar bug (Qt event loop stopping when the device is
suspend) (Kevin)
(landing ready for release soon!)

** New scopes performance needs to be improved (Kevin for unity8 and
Thomas for unity-scopes-shell)

* Issues not impacting on the user experience:

** qtubuntu crash causing the dialer app to crash (only during tests) (Bill)

** Clock flaky test (Julien, Bill)

** New dialer-app flaky test (Julien, Bill)
-> This bug has been marked as duplicate, and the duplicate one set to
fixed, but we still encounter those failures - what's the situation here?

** Autopilot test flakyness in test_add_photo (Julien, Bill)


Łukasz 'sil2100' Zemczak

Follow ups