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/!\ To all landers: new CI Train spreadsheet url



As you noted, we had some spreadsheet issues due to too many concurrent writings. Seems that even with trying to give a few days off with it, it was still diverging and reverting back to 5 days ago now.

We avoided now the additional writings that were triggered, copying all data over a new spreadsheet, sharing with the same permissions, resync the status with the backend (trying to ensure that everything which landed is set as landed and archived), recreating the scripts for status syncing and so on.

1. the new spreadsheet url reference is now: https://docs.google.com/a/canonical.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AuDk72Lpx8U5dFVHQ3FuMDJGLUZCamJfSjYzbWh3Wnc#gid=0 The old one can't redirect to the new one (because of the revert which occurs regularly). However, it's read-only to avoid people filing up the wrong spot. 2. please ensure that old landings are correctly set to the right status: landed if they were landed for instance. 3. finally, we added the new in silos requests in the end of the pending sheet: Bill, David and Kevin, do you mind setting back the right descriptions and test plans that were not assigned due to manual setting?

Remember that https://wiki.ubuntu.com/citrain is always pointing to the right spreadsheet url. https://docs.google.com/a/canonical.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AuDk72Lpx8U5dFVHQ3FuMDJGLUZCamJfSjYzbWh3Wnc#gid=0 is your new home!
Let us know if everything goes wrong or if you miss any permission,

Thanks for the understanding,