On Fri, May 2, 2014 at 10:17 AM, Didier Roche
<didier.roche@xxxxxxxxxxxxx <mailto:didier.roche@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>> wrote:
** qtubuntu crash causing the dialer app to crash (only during
tests) (Bill)
We still can't use upstart to launch the dialer. Thomi and mterry have
landed a couple of branches on autopilot that improve things, but the
bug that's affecting us I think is this one:
I'm in contact with boiko and as soon as this is fixed, we will try
again to land his branch:
** Clock flaky test (Julien, Bill)
I mentioned in another thread that it seems the clock header becomes
unresponsive, so the autopilot clicks are not received.
I've spend a lot of time trying to reproduce it and haven't found any
useful information, so I asked thomi to capture a screenshot on the
phone when there's an error:
** Autopilot test flakyness in test_add_photo (Julien, Bill)
The gallery tests are improving a lot with Chris refactors. This test
should stop failing, or at least give us a better clue of what's going
wrong after he finishes.
Summary: we have our eyes on these tests and are working on finding
ways to fix or understand them. But it's going to take some time.