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Landing team 28.07.14


Hi everyone,

Even though we had high hopes for a promotion today, sadly this was not
possible... Our dogfooding expert performed some tests during the
weekend and found a few new, additional blockers. Some of them have been
temporarily whitelisted, but others were a big problem. The biggest two
were: mediascanner crashes on 'almost everything' (making it not
possible to use any media) and unity8 not starting on our emulator. Both
of them are fixed now, but we're still waiting for things to finish
migrating to the archive.

After this happens we will build a new image and have some of our QA
experts dogfooding it promotion-wise for tomorrow morning (UTC) - so
that we can try promoting ASAP. If, of course, no other critical
blockers appear once again...

But until then we're still in TRAINCON-0, which means the velocity of
landings is in overall decreased. We're also thinking of improving the
TRAINCON formal rules - with some good ideas coming from Oliver - but
this is still something for further discussions.

In the meantime, our list:

* What landed in our images:

- http://people.canonical.com/~lzemczak/landing-team/154.commitlog
- http://people.canonical.com/~lzemczak/landing-team/153.commitlog
- http://people.canonical.com/~lzemczak/landing-team/152.commitlog

* Smoke-testing results:

#154 mako
#153 mako
#152 mako

* Some useful documentation:
(Still under development)


* Blocking issues:

** [emulator] unity8 fails to start since image 152 (mako 149).
 -> Fix building in the archive, should be in the next image. Seems like
the -gles versions of UITK were not built (override forced).

* Known issues:

** mtp-server crash when transferring music on #15
 -> Very old bug but gains on importance in the upcoming days

** Wrong WWAN value in saved-states if ofono 'Online' toggle fails
 -> Issue still not fixed.

** ringer only ringing once after upgrade to u94
 -> Caused by some race condition, rarely reproducible, whitelisted from
the blocker list by QA

** U-S-S sluggish after some hours, high CPU
 -> This issue needs help debugging and identifying

** In about Phone if you select OS hit back and select something else
that goes to a new page it crashes the app

** Powerdown Dialog appear on waking the phone
 => Merge requests present
 -> Marked by QA as a blocker, but as the big 006 silo fixes the issue
and the issue itself is just 'annoying' = whitelisted

* Issues not impacting user experience:

** indicator-location crashing during default, sdk and click_image_tests
tests on smoketesting
[Time counter 16/7]
 -> Charles and Thomas are looking into this one...

** unity8 crashed with SIGSEGV in
[Time counter 14/7]
 -> This problem has caused some rare test failures in smoketesting,
rarely reproducible it seems. Is this still valid? Might be related to
one of our blockers.

Best regards,

Łukasz 'sil2100' Zemczak

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