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Fwd: u1db with sub-field


Hello everyone

Im writing a ubuntu touch app with u1db as db,  but im getting troubles
with query and index. Im saving a doc with sub-fields, but at retrieve
point with index and query i wont get the expected resutls. I need the list
to show two rows one for the account "Ahorro" another one for the account
"Corriente" but only one row show, the first one.

can anyone help me?

Here i post my code:

UbuntuListView {

        id: accountListView

        anchors.margins: units.gu(2)

        anchors.top: accountLabel.bottom

        anchors.left: parent.left

        anchors.right: parent.right

        anchors.bottom: parent.bottom

        model: accountQuery

        delegate: ListItem.SingleValue {

            text: contents["name"]

            progression: true

            onClicked: {





    U1db.Database {

        id: myMoneyDB

        path: "MyMoney.u1db"


    U1db.Document {

        id: accountDocument

        database: myMoneyDB

        docId: 'account'

        create: true

        defaults: {



                    "name": "Ahorro"



                    "name": "Corriente"






        database: myMoneyDB

        id: accountIndex

        expression: ["account.name"]



        id: accountQuery

        index: accountIndex

        query: "*"


Thanks in advance.

Success is a journey, not a destination.

 Ing. Yasmany Cubela Medina:
Linux user 446757
Ubuntu user 13464

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