please disregard the other mail, evolution messed up big time for me
today ...
(when do we get dekko for the desktop ? )
Am Montag, den 01.12.2014, 19:30 +0100 schrieb Niklas Wenzel:
I'm currently planning to remove the MultiROM dualboot solution from
my Nexus 4 because Ubuntu has finally replaced Android for me.
wow, that is good to hear !!!
Would you mind sharing your plans regarding vivid promotions? Wi
ll we see one per week similar to RTM promotions or will vivid
promotions be done as irregular as we've seen them to happen since the
release of the RTM images?
what do you mean by "irregular" ... there haven't been any vivid
promotions yet :)
with some luck we will have one this week though to finally get
something recent into the devel channel ...
but after all do not expect vivid promotions to happen as regular as
RTM, vivid or devel are pretty much that ... developer releases. RTM
means "release to manufacturer", this is what manufacturers get to put
on the preinstalled phones and what your mom and mine will use ... due
to that fact this is also what gets most QA attention, while devel
promotions will always suffer from "when QA has time to take a look"
it would probably be nice to organize some regular community testing. I
am sure QA would happily share test plans with the world so willing
community members could jump in and help getting more frequent vivid (or
devel) promotions.
Furthermore, and this is unrelated to my above question, I'd be
interested in whether installing the devel channel (or, more
generally, any channel) will be possible on the upcoming commercial
Ubuntu phones, independently from the model or manufacturer.
I doubt that's doable once you have 1000 different phones out there ...
for the moment we will likely do this, but in the future i would expect
that you see us going the same route google goes with the nexus line,
there will be a few reference devices that are also heavily used inside
canonical, in the labs and by developers and these devices will be fully
supported for using the devel distro ... others will surely be easy to
implement but will need some "adopt a port" action by the community ...