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Re: License comments on some of the Ubuntu phone sources


W dniu 25.03.2015 o 16:01, David Planella pisze:
Hi all,

As mentioned last week, we have been working with bq to address the
concerns pointed out in the preview sources for the Android kernel part
of Ubuntu for bq devices.

As a result, a new Android kernel source tree has been published for the
bq Aquaris E4.5 [1], including a branch with the corresponding official
sources for the Ubuntu Edition. The labeling errors in the preview
sources have now been addressed.

We’d like to thank bq for having treated this issue with a matter of
urgency, for the work that they are doing as part of the Ubuntu
community and for facilitating the release of the code as open source in
advance of the Ubuntu phone project. We will keep working together to
address any future concerns.


[1] https://github.com/bq/aquaris-E4.5
That's awesome news! Keep up the good work at Canonical and BQ.


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