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[Development] Ubuntu touch compiling: missing msm_ion.h


Hey All,
I've started porting Ubuntu Touch to the LG Volt (LS740) from Boost Mobile. I have my device tree vendor blobs and kernel sources all in place, but I'm getting a compile error:
    In file included from hardware/qcom/display/msm8226/libgralloc/ionalloc.cpp:38:0:    hardware/qcom/display/msm8226/libgralloc/ionalloc.h:33:27: fatal error: linux/msm_ion.h: No such file or directory    compilation terminated.
I have an "include" folder in my device tree. It contains the "linux" folder which includes the "msm_mdp.h" file, but it's not getting included by the compiler.
My "Android.mk" file in my device root (device/lge/x5) contains:        ifneq ($(filter x5,$(TARGET_DEVICE)),)    LOCAL_PATH := $(call my-dir)    include $(call all-makefiles-under,$(LOCAL_PATH))    endif
I assume that's enough code to pass the "linux" folder to the compiler, but apparently it's not working...
Any ideas?

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