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Re: r23 && adroid-gadget-service does not fully enable rndis0 interface


El miércoles, 17 de junio de 2015 15:55:42 (CEST), Oliver Grawert escribió:
the script setting this up is /usr/bin/tethering

network-manager changed a lot between RTM and 15.04, techincally the
addition of
nmcli c reload

in that script should have been enough, but i remember that i had to add
a sleep to actually give NM time to pick up the new config. can you
check if the reload line is actually there and perhaps try to make the
sleep longer ?


There is a "sleep 2" before the "nmcli c reload"; I will play with it next time; for now a reboot fixed the problem;

btw: I like the new big blue cursos in the text input app: a big step forward!


Sent from my Ubuntu phone
