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Re: [Design] removing scopes


Am Samstag, 18. Juli 2015 09:22:57 BST schrieb David Callé:
On 18/07/2015 06:28, Nathan Haines wrote:
On 07/17/2015 09:15 PM, Marcin GTriderXC.tk wrote:
Cool. So ebay and amazon scope has to be preinstalled to obtain

No privileges here (needed nor wanted), as they are actually not
installed at all.

These are remote scopes [1], called from an Ubuntu web service [2]. The
fact that you can't remove the ones you don't want to see is simply
because there is nothing to remove from your phone.

The dash could probably have a way to hide remote scopes you don't want
to see from the installed scopes list, and I'm confident that if someone
would propose code for this [3][4], it would be considered.

Maybe an easier to implement solution would be to add an overlay to the remote scope icon stating remote or so. In this way, it becomes clear that a scope is a remote scope and that there is no need to remove it locally. IMHO it would be good to know which scopes are installed locally and which are remotely implemented.

[1] https://launchpad.net/ubuntu-rest-scopes
[2] https://dash.ubuntu.com/smartscopes/v2/remote-scopes
[3] https://code.launchpad.net/unity-scopes-shell
[4] https://code.launchpad.net/unity-scopes-api

I bet for the same reason as in Ubuntu desktop where we
badly need the amazon plugin to slow our system down.
I can understand the photo scope but as some Internet reviews also
confirm, ebay and amazon scope are pretty useless and I bet hardly
anyone would install them.

It's fine to dislike a scope, but on the desktop, the scopes are
loaded on-demand and don't affect memory or performance unless being

Since the Amazon scope isn't a default scope, it doesn't actually run
unless you manually activate it.

In such a scenario, I don't wish to deny other features I find
useless.  I simply use what benefits me and ignore what doesn't affect

Marco A. Harrendorf

Follow ups
