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Re: Ability to remove scope is an annoying behaviour



I would have to disagree. I think the current solution both has a clean and intuitive look/layout, and I very much like the way it works, because you can do what you need with a minimum number of 'clicks'/'swipes' (or whatever).
The thing that annoys me the most about any program's/app's user 
interface is when you have to do an excessive number of clicks or swipes 
to get the job done, especially if it involves choosing in more menus 
than need be.
Point in question:

The _phone app/dialer_ and _contacts_ combination.

When you wish to make a call and launch the dialer/keypad, you get an icon at the top that can take you to the contact list. Once there, you either have to scroll through the names, the alphabet, or click on the icon at the top to specify a name to search for. Not bad, but too slow/tedious!

In the dialer, when you swipe from the bottom, you get the recent calls with the option to choose between 'all' and 'lost'. Here, it would be great to be able to select a list of the _most frequently called numbers_. This would save a lot clicks and time!
So, how about swiping up and getting the choice between 'frequent' and 
'recent'? Then, if you choose 'recent', you get the option to toggle 
between 'all' and 'lost'. The 'frequent' list does not necessarily have 
to discriminate between incoming and outgoing, but some users might find 
it useful to be able to toggle between these two.
Best regards,

Den 11. aug. 2015 13:30, skrev cedric.bellegarde:

in Ubuntu Phone, there is a star that remove the current scope. I often click on it by mistake and need to readd tody scope.
I think this should be a better idea to move configure/remove actions 
in a menu.

