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Contact sync (call for testing)


Hi list,

We are about to land a new architecture for our contact sync. And it
involves a lot of changes on the current service. Because of that we
would like some help from our community to help us testing it before
it lands.

We need some help from you guys to test silo 34 (vivid or wily). This
silo contains update for old package but it also contains some new
packages and that needs to be manually installed, the steps to get it
working can be found at the end of the e-mail;

Please DO NOT TRY THIS if you do not know how to flash your device
with the original image or if you do not have a good understand of
what you are doing.

Basically we’d like help testing the following areas:

1 - Account migration
   Your existing Google account(s) will be converted to use the new
infrastructure and this will start automatically after installing the
packages and reboot the device (see below).
   The instructions will appear on the notification area. (Let me know
if you get lost or something goes wrong, will be nice to know if the
steps are clear and easy to understand).

2 - Google contact Sync
    After the account is migrated, the contact sync will be performed.
Check if the contact sync is still working as expected once the
process is complete. (Remember the server has priority over local
changes, contacts that get changed on server and client at the same
time, will be overwritten with the server values)
    Until now we only supports Google sync, but with this new change
will be easy to extend it and add support for others protocols like
owncloud, webdav, etc..

3 - Transfer indicator
   Now contact sync is integrated with transfer indicator. All syncs
will be reported on the indicator with the sync progress.
   Check if the sync appears correct on the indicator;

To get it installed follow the steps bellow:

**Before continue make sure that you have a backup of your contacts.
You can do that using the export function on google contacts website.
(We will add a function on Contacts app in the future)

1 - If you have “phablet-tools-citrain” installed on you computer you
can install the packages using the CI train tools, otherwise try step
   1.1 - Add silo 34 on your apt list:
       ~# citrain device-upgrade 34 <device-password>

   1.2 - Install missing packages:
       phablet@ubuntu-phablet:~$ sudo apt-get install
buteo-sync-plugins-contacts-google address-book-updater

   1.3 - Reboot the device

2 - [SKIP THIS IF YOU ALREADY DID STEP 1] If you do not have
“phablet-tools-citrain” installed on your computer, you will need to
add the silo ppa and install the packages manually:

   2.1 - Add the repository:
       phablet@ubuntu-phablet:~$ sudo add-apt-repository
       phablet@ubuntu-phablet:~$ sudo apt-get update

   2.2 - Install new packages
       phablet@ubuntu-phablet:~$ sudo apt-get install
buteo-sync-plugins-contacts-google address-book-updater
indicator-transfer-buteo address-book-service address-book-app

   2.3 - Reboot the device

For people that want to test it more deep, they can use our test plan
wiki page[1], this contains most of the common use cases.

This is all, please let me know the results, any feedback are welcome.



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