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Resizing rootfs


Hi all,
With the fabulous advances that the Ubuntu Touch developers have been making, getting us ever closer to convergence with these demonstrations we're seeing of the Nexus 4 being hooked up to monitors and bluetooth keyboards and mice - I was wondering if there had been any updates on the resizing of the rootfs?
The major thing that has kept me using Ubuntu Touch as my daily driver on my 16GB Nexus 4 for the last couple of years has been the beautiful native terminal, as I'm an emacs power user and it's fabulous to be able to take my org-mode and ledger everywhere with me. I'm also a big LaTeX user (which I run via emacs on my laptop) and having this on my phone would truly take me one massive step closer to convergence - however, the TeX Live package in the repositories is pretty damned big and I don't have the space to install it in the limited 2GB allocated to rootfs in Ubuntu Touch. I did play around trying to resize it but broke my system :-(

I remember some time back that there was mention of possible resizing of the rootfs in the future - is there any update on this? I only have 146 MB of my rootfs (/dev/loop0) available but 8GB of my userdata (/dev/mmcblk0p23) remaining - it would be great to resize that rootfs (possibly as an extra parameter in the ubuntu-device-flash script!) to avail of all that /userdata space.
I appreciate any thoughts!

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