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Re: Application losts its dispatchers


On Sat, 2016-01-30 at 18:03 +0100, Costales wrote:
> I'm catching in uNav the URLs like: http://unav-go.github.io
> The dispatcher is here:
> http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~costales/unav/trunk/view/head:/app-dispa
> tcher.json
> But I don't know why, that dispatcher was lost. The URLs are opening
> with Gmail webapp. If I desinstaled Gmail, they are opened with
> Google
> Maps... so weird.
> I tried to reinstall uNav, Gmail, reboot, etc, without luck.
> Please, in which file are the system dispatchers stored?
They are stored in a small SQLite file in ~/.cache/url-dispatcher/urls-
1.db, but you probably will find the tool "url-dispatcher-dump" more
useful as it brings all the tables together into a single dump that we
use for things like automatic error reporting.
From your description I find it hard to figure out what exactly is
going on, but if you find something funky please don't hesitate to file
a bug at: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/url-dispatcher

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