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New palette coming, are you ready?



the next release of the UITK will bring new palettes and new colour definitions.

That is the good part of the news.

The issue is that many applications and even the shell indicators do use the actual palettes in a sightly wrong way. It means that in many places the palette is used like this

Icon {
  id: statusIcon
  color: theme.palette.selected.backgroundText
  Layout.preferredHeight: parent.height
  Layout.preferredWidth: Layout.preferredHeight
  visible: name !== ""

Which is fine as long the desired colour matches with the colour the palette provides. The problem starts when design changes and the nicely selected "colour" for a component turns to be something else.

Like the indicator icons -> http://picpaste.com/pics/indicator-FMruC8JY.1456498678.png

So, what to do?

If your app is using palette colours for something else what their name suggest to be used for, then please add the silo50 to your device and see how your app looks.

Feel free to reach out for help. Anybody from the SDK or Design team is going to be available to help.

In the following days we will write up a blog post about the new colours and paletts, so stay tuned :)



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