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Re: Dekko few question / misleading / hard to get into clock alarm after update



Regarding the clock issue, we're looking into it. Sorry about that. We will
try to push a hot-fix update to fix just that next week.


On Sat, 5 Mar 2016 at 08:51 Krzysztof Tataradziński <ktatar156@xxxxxxxxx>

> Hello,
> I've started to use Dekko as my e-mail client. There are some features
> that I miss (notifications about new e-mail in background), but main
> problem for me is related to account configuration - in many other mail
> client apps, there is only a need to add one account (and set there imap
> and smtp in separate sections); but not in dekko - there is a need to add
> two accounts for that action. In my opinion that should be merged - what do
> You think guys?
> Second topic related to Dekko seems to be a bug(s) - in main screen I see
> tabs 'Wszystkie (All)' 'Nieprzeczytane (unreaded)' 'Oznaczone (tagged?)',
> etc. but there is one main tab missing - 'Otrzymane (received)' - is there
> any possibility to add it?
> Another bug, probably connected with above - when I send e-mail by Dekko,
> I can see it in "Wszystkie (All)", but I don't know how to get into 'Sent'
> tab - where is it?
> Next one -  in settings of my imap acc config, there is a place to
> configure creating messages section (with options like 'save sent
> messages', 'quote original message', etc.) - bit why there are such options
> in imap config? It's misleading.
> Last one for now is related to recent clock update - for me, now is much
> harder to get in a comfortable way into alarm section - hard to swipe from
> down to up, sometime moves 'Add city' section. What is Your opinion? Please
> look at that short video:
> https://plus.google.com/112499226422562823371/posts/MWMf6bJgzBg
> Best regards,
> Krzysztof Tataradziński
> https://launchpad.net/~ktatar156
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