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ubuntu-phone team
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Message #19365
Re: Blinking display
On Mon, Apr 4, 2016 at 10:51 AM, Shahram <Shahram@xxxxxxx> wrote:
> Hi Andrea
> I will look out for it in future but that is not what I am experiencing.
> The blinking is not when the phone is near my face. The call is live, I
> ask the caller to wait while I look at my calendar. Then I bring the phone
> down in front of me to access the calendar. I swipe on the screen to unlock
> the phone and get to the calendar and this is when it blinks and becomes
> difficult. I don't think at the time there is anything over the proximity
> sensor. However I will try to be more observant about the sensor and let
> you know.
Hi Shahram,
what device are you using? Could this be the bug you're experiencing?
If so, please mark it as "It affects me" to increase its "heat" :)
> Shahram
> On 04/04/2016 10:39, Andrea Bernabei wrote:
> On Mon, Apr 4, 2016 at 8:10 AM, Shahram <Shahram@xxxxxxx> wrote:
>> Hi
>> The description looks similar, however this not about receiving
>> notification, it is about trying to unlock the phone to use other features,
>> after taking an incoming call and while the call is still live, at this
>> time the screen blinks and makes it difficult to do what you want to do.
> Hi Shahram,
> if the call is still live, then the proximity sensor is enabled. When you
> cover the proximity sensor while a call is ongoing, the screen will blank,
> to avoid your cheek from triggering the touchscreen while you keep the
> phone close to your ear.
> In your case, I think you might be covering the proximity sensor while
> trying to use the phone, even if it's away from your cheek. The proximity
> sensor in the E4.5 is located to the left of the top speaker, so it is very
> easy to cover it (thus triggering the screen blanking logic) while trying
> to pull the indicators panel down.
> Let me know if that could be what you're experiencing :)
> Hope that helps,
> Andrea
> Shahram
>> P.S. I am simply a user not familiar with the codes
>> On 04/04/2016 06:54, Vic G wrote:
>> Hi Sharman,
>> Could it be this bug?
>> https://bugs.launchpad.net/canonical-devices-system-image/+bug/1531167
>> This behaviour affects all kind of notifications and incoming calls
>> (proximity sensor is enabled before taking a call) and if it is in your
>> pocket the screen could start acting like that >_<. However, you're saying
>> that it's blinking on conversation, but I think it is triggered by prox
>> sensor too.
>> Please apply the bug! We want it fixed asap =)
>> BR,
>> El 03/04/16 a las 14:09, Shahram escribió:
>> Blinking display and going on and off
>> when the phone is in locked mode
>> An incoming call is taken
>> while on conversation with incoming call you need to use the windows to
>> see another feature such as the calendar
>> the display blinks, goes off and comes on, does not easily bring up the
>> unlock page where password can be typed and other windows used
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