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Re: Installing Android on MX4



I'm sorry, I gave you the wrong link, the right link for Meizu MX4 firmwares is: http://www.androidiani.com/forum/meizu-mx4-mx4-pro/484612-raccolta-firmware-firmware-meizu-mx4.html (you can find "A", and "I" firmware version, to download it, right click on the link "QUI", and then copy and paste link address into your browser. Don't click directly on "QUI" link).
I have two MX4 Ubuntu Edition. For work purposes, in one of these, I 
have installed the "I" vesion of Flyme firmware.
For doing this, I followed a guide that for first ask me to install the 
"A" version of Flyme, and then updating to "I" version. I will check to 
give you the url of this guide.
I think that Meizu producing the same hardware version for all MX4 
(eccept C version), the only difference is the firmware version.

Il 05/04/2016 10:11, ubuntu.mexon@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx ha scritto:
Thanks for the more detailed info, that helps. I'm still a bit confused though. Are the letters referring to hardware variants that I can't change, or just firmware variants that I'm free to choose from? If I choose the wrong firmware do I brick my device, or do I just end up with a different set of pre-installed apps from what I was expecting?
It sounds like you're saying that any MX4 that came out of the factory 
with Ubuntu is an "I", regardless of whether it was sold in China or 
elsewhere.  So I've got an "I".  It also sounds like that means I can 
only flash it with Flyme "I".  That would suck. Google Play is useless 
here.  I really need "A".
The linked page is in Italian but the firmwares are clearly labelled 
"Meizu MX4 Pro", not "Meizu MX4".  Are those firmwares really OK to 
flash onto an MX4?  Seems unlikely.
On 2016-04-05 15:43, Marco Graziotti wrote:

there are four version of Meizu MX4:

1. Flyme U – China Unicom OS version: Chinese apps preinstalled, no google play. 2. Flyme C – China Mobile OS version: TD-SCDMA version (different kind of signal broadcasting), Chinese apps preinstalled, no google play. 3. Flyme A – Chinese Version OS: Chinese apps preinstalled, no google play. 4. Flyme I/G – OS version for international devices selled from meizumart.com and meizu.it: No chinese apps, Google Play is present.
Usually you can find "A" and "I" version. Out of China it's rare to 
find "C" and "U" version.
MX4 Ubuntu Edition it's an "I" version.

So, you can have an "A" version of MX4 and switch the Flyme firmware to "I" version. You can find both firmware ("Beta", "A" and "I" version) here: http://www.androidiani.com/forum/meizu-mx4-mx4-pro/484617-raccolta-firmware-firmware-meizu-mx4-pro.html (to download firmware, click the right button on the link and then copy and paste link address into your browser. Don't click directly on the link).
Pay attention if you want proceed to flash your device.


Il 05/04/2016 03:41, ubuntu.mexon@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx ha scritto:
On 2016-04-04 20:02, Krzysztof Tataradziński wrote:
Done, mainly by tutorial here
Following that link it starts with the caveat that you need an "'A' version of MX4". Can someone explain what this means? How many different versions of the MX4 are there?
"About this phone" just reports "Meizu MX4 Ubuntu Edition".

I wanted to switch my phone to Android months ago but after reading about it carefully, came to the conclusion that there are different kinds of MX4 and mine wasn't compatible with most of these howtos. It's a Chinese version, whereas most MX4s described on English-language boards seem to have been produced later. Also while I appreciate the efforts of "Naphtha", the instructions are not quite detailed or precise enough to inspire confidence. It seemed too risky so I gave up.

Follow ups
