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Re: Message appears in notifications, but nowhere to be found in Messaging app.


El día Monday, November 28, 2016 a las 12:53:42PM +0200, Marcin Wójcik escribió:

> Hi everyone,
> I just recently experienced an issue where I received a notification of an
> incoming SMS message.
> I tapped on the notification to view the SMS, which promptly opened the
> Messaging app showing nothing in the details screen other than the phone
> number in the header.
> I proceeded to open the terminal and search for the message in the
> history.sqlite database, only to find that there are no messages from that
> number in the database.
> " select * from text_events where senderId = 'number' "
> The Messaging app's list view does not show this message either.
> It seems like this message has just disappeared into the abyss...
> Has anyone else experienced this issue?
> I fear that there are messages being sent to me that I never receive.
> I have a BQ Aquaris e4.5 with Ubuntu 15.04 OTA-13 Krilin.

What comes to my mind is "Silent SMS" used by German secret services
(any may be others):

And may be the absents of any text related to the event makes the
message-app dropping it.

IMHO an OpenSource phone should notify the user when it detects such so
called "stealth pings"


Matthias Apitz, ✉ guru@xxxxxxxxxxx, ⌂ http://www.unixarea.de/  ☎ +49-176-38902045
No to the €! Out of this imperialistic EU! Out of the imperialistic NATO war alliance!
¡No al €! ¡Fuera de esta UE imperialista! ¡Fuera de esta OTAN imperialista!
N€IN zum €! Raus aus dieser imperialistischen EU! Raus aus dieser imperialistischen NATO!

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