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Re: Ubuntu Touch OTA-14 released


The mails never actually said that there would not be an OTA-15, and the fact that the system is not snap based does not stop the development of Unity8 etc... so there is still a chance seeing another few updates, before the snap migration....
Also the Android layer may yet get updated.  I think its simply that 
Canonical genuinely do not know if it will be possible to upgrade old 
devices when the time comes.

On Tuesday, 10 January 2017 15:23:45 GMT, Gareth France <gareth.france@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

On 10/01/17 12:17, Paul Tait wrote:
I appreciate what you're saying, but that is the information that I've
gleaned from here.
Yes I agree entirely. But I suspect that the exact wording can be provocative. Some people like to find the fire even if there is no smoke!

Sent using Dekko from my Ubuntu device

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