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Reporting and tracking user facing bugs in Unity Next


Hi All,

In order to track the design status of bugs across the Unity Next project, we are looking to introduce a design bug tracking process that is very similar to the workflow used very successfully in the 12.04 cycle.

The details of this new process are written up in a google doc, see https://docs.google.com/a/canonical.com/document/d/1PcNRQZFbfmmQEvxu4SZHO3GZ9Zaetg9p2DOmRwOUbS0/edit#

To summarize, if a bug is related to user facing behaviour or appearance it should be marked as 'also affects' the "ubuntu-ux" Launchpad project. In design we will then review these incoming bugs and then assign designers and specify the desired solution accordingly.

Please ping myself or any other members of the design team on IRC freenode #ubuntu-design with any questions.


John Lea | Ubuntu Desktop User Experience Lead
Canonical  www.canonical.com | Ubuntu  www.ubuntu.com
5th Floor, Blue Fin Building, 110 Southwark Street, London SE1 0SU
Tel: +44 (0) 20 7630 2415 | Email: john.lea@xxxxxxxxxxxxx

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