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Re: Translating Quassel


El dj 30 de 07 de 2009 a les 07:42 -0300, en/na Antonio Augusto (Mancha)
va escriure:
> The problem, for me, is that the list is VERY big, and there is no way
> to search for a template. This is very frustrating.

This is a known bug. For further discussion on this though, I'd
recommend you to start a separate thread in the launchpad-users list,
since there you'll find the Launchpad Translations developers.

Note that I'm not trying to dismiss your comment, which is a valid
concern, but I think the kubuntu-devel list is not the place to discuss
this, since as mentioned above, LP devs are not normally subscribed to
it and the topic is more related to Launchpad than to Kubuntu.

I know, though, that in the next few months they are going to be working
in UI changes to get people more easily find their way around in
Launchpad Translations, but for the exact details, it's best to contact

In any case, the LP devs are also on the
ubuntu-translations-coordinators list where this message is CC'd, so
they'll see the message.

> The same applies to the translation screen itself: you can't search
> for a specific string you want to translate, you have to browse ALL
> strings and find the one you want.

True, it is also a known bug :). Strings can be searched for on a
template basis but not on a global basis. As a workaround, searching for
the string through the general Launchpad search will most of the times
take you to the right template, where you'll then be able to search for
it and get an exact match.

I hope this could help.


David Planella
Ubuntu Translations Coordinator

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