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Re: Fwd: Draft of the language pack release schedule for Oneiric for review


2011/10/25 Matthew East <mdke@xxxxxxxxxx>:
> On 21 October 2011 13:11, Kenneth Nielsen <k.nielsen81@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>> It also seems that the consensus is that we should have to full packs and
>> that the first one should definitely be one and then I would suggest making
>> either the fourth or the fifth one as well.
> Just by way of a gentle protest, can I complain that the language pack
> was gone ahead with today ahead of schedule *despite* a careful
> consultation process during which no objections were made as to the
> proposed timing, and *without* any advance warning. Fortunately I read
> the scrollback in #ubuntu-translators and found out about this before
> doing the work for an ubuntu-docs upload. But it's still a bit
> annoying as I have wanted to do an ubuntu-docs upload this time around
> to fix some bugs as well as translations, and these will now have to
> wait 4 weeks.
> Not too big a deal, but badly handled.

Hallo Matthew

This is my bad and I apologize for the inconvinience. I got stated on
the schedule a little to late and was really keen on getting a set of
language pack ready before the UDS.

I was also a little fuzzy on the procedure when including the docs
translations, but as I can understand from Martins email, it should
still be possible to to get everything in there before the UDS.

I'll try to handle the next updates better.

Regards Kenneth

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