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Re: Google + page for Ubuntu translations


Yeah, I just overheard (read, whatever) a conversation in one of the
other IRC-channels saying that right now these pages are single owner,
in which case it should maybe be a more "official" person that makes the
page (hint David).
Thanks a lot for creating the page Kenneth! :)

While I'd like to co-maintain the page, if it's not technically possible
right now, I don't see any problem in you or any other member of the UTC
team being the sole admin, as long as you want to maintain the page.
I don't mind maintaining it until the change the implementation so we 
can be more people in that task. If that does not happen in the 
foreseeable future, we'll have to figure out what to do.
Everyone in this list is a respected member of the global Ubuntu
translations community, and I personally love the fact that community
members feel empowered to take the initiative.

You bring up a good point, though. Ever since I started, I've tried to
keep communications and resources public and transparent to foster
community participation and contribution.

However, one area I could improve is in the administration (boring
stuff, though :) and maintenance (a bit more exciting in the case of
posting news and announcements about awesome translations stuff :) of
our resources. We should perhaps diversify the maintenance, or inline
with the "rotating tasks" discussion, perhaps rotate maintenance within
those interested.
Yes. I think there are two parts to this. First of all we'll have to 
have better documentation for both maintenance and administration. I've 
started settings up a wiki-page[1] for exactly this, as we discussed on 
the last UDS. Second thing is that we need to be willing to let tasks 
go, but that is probably not something to worry about until we have new 
members looking to get their hands dirty.
So in terms of other Ubuntu translations resources, just making a list
off the top of my head:

- ubuntu-translators mailing list (effectively one admin: myself)
- ubuntu-translations-coordinators mailing list (one admin: myself)
- ubuntu-translators IRC channel (one admin: zyga, I think)
- ubuntu-translations project (not sure if owned by Adi Roiban or I)
- ubuntul10n Twitter account (one admin: myself)
- ubuntul10n Identi.ca account (one admin: myself)
- Ubuntu Translations portal (one admin: myself)
- Ubuntu Translators Facebook page (two admins: Jono and I)
- Ubuntu Translators Google+ page (one admin: Kenneth)
Ok, there was just entirely to much important information here not to 
use it for the documentation, so I have edited it and put it on the 
wiki. I imaging keeping separate pages on the wiki for communication 
tasks and for UTC-teams main tasks, so this email essentially turned 
into communications page[2].
Ubuntu Translations project in Launchpad
This part I have added for future reference on the task distribution 
page[3]. It is still a draft, but we should set up a table for tasks and 
assigned persons (or the ones where help is wanted).
Ubuntu Translations portal

* Administration: deal with Canonical IS to install plugins/updates and
theme updates, set up plugins, set up internal Drupal settings, etc.
* Maintenance: once set up, keep blog post flowing. In the future,
expand the site with more resources and make it translatable (it is
already, but need to come up with a plan to integrate it with Launchpad).

I'd like to work on this this cycle, and I do need help on this one. So
anyone with Drupal or web skills (sysadmin, html, php, css, etc), feel
free to chip in!
I have a little experience with html/php with MySQL backend, so I might 
be able to help a little if I get time. I'll let you know.
The same for anyone wanting to help with content rather than the
technical side (e.g. porting documentation from the wiki, writing
articles/blog posts, etc.).
This might be possible as well. We'll see what time allows.

What would be really cool

To automate sending Ubuntu Translations-related announcements/posts to
all of our social network channels automatically.

Right now, I can do this to some extent with Gwibber, but it only works
for sending the same message at once to twitter and identi.ca.

So any ideas welcome here!
That would be awesome, but I'm seeing tons of authentication and user 
credential problems in the future of this project ;)
But on the other hand, if, as you suggest, that this
is merely a technical issue, I really don't know, then there is no
problem in me making the page and adding you guys as co-owners when that
become possible (if it does).

I'd say if you're happy with it, let's keep it like that for now. I
myself still don't know what we can do with pages :)
Yes, well they are only 1 day old, we'll learn as we go.

Regards Kenneth

[1] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Translations/SustainableTranslations
[2] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Translations/SustainableTranslations/CommunicationsTools [3] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Translations/SustainableTranslations/TaskDistribution

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