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Re: [Question #78741]: Upgrading from Hardy to Jaunty : suggestions


Question #78741 on Ubuntu changed:

Tom posted a new comment:
An internet connection does seem fairly crucial for installing Ubuntu
and for each of the major 6 monthly upgrades although there are ways
around that once you've learned your way around.  The package updates
and even installing new programs tends to be quite light on downloads
and can be done through other machines via a usb-stick or multi-session
cd or something.

2nd time lucky is impressive.  I had several bad efforts with Mandriva,
then a couple of tries with Kubuntu before i had success with Wolvix and
Ubuntu.  Mandriva gave me too many choices and i chose to have
everything which set me up as a server and confused everyone else on the
network.  The network admin wasn't happy with me & i managed to do the
same thing a couple more times, lol.  I really hate blue and radically
re-theming & endlessly tweaking Kubuntu finally managed to break it.
Wolvix is very easy and gentle on the eye and i like Ubuntu's earthy
tones so both have been good.

Normally i would advise keeping a 2nd OS on a system, it's always good
to have a backup option and it's good to have something to tinker around
with without potentially breaking your entire system.  At the moment
it's kinda dominating your system and seems to be suffering from one of
the ways Windows tries to stack the deck against it's competition.

So i would boot into Jaunty, use the "Places" menu to get into sda6
(which Places probably 'helpfully' lists as "83.5 GB Media") and then
navigate to the /home/username/Documents folder to copy all your data to
your new Documents folder listed in the "Places" menu.  Same for Music,
Video, Pictures, Desktop - really dig around in that /home/username
folder and even go back up to /home to check there's no other users in
there.  Then it would be a good plan to tidy up sda7, sda6, sda5 & sda4.
Let me know when you've got your data safely onto sda3 and i could guide
you through this last part?

Good luck and regards from
Tom :)

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