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Re: Good News: China Music Scope for 13.04 with new APIs works well



Unfortunately, I had some not so good news. This morning a decision had been made to postpone API changes (and all the changes listed in the FFe) to next Ubuntu release ("S") and keep the existing API/infrastructure in 13.04 (so, it's the same as in 12.10); the main reason for this decision was an overall agreement about user experience being not good enough with current set of changes.

For your project that means that recent changes that you made for the new API should be reverted for your scope to land in 13.04; it needs to work with the official Unity stack currently in Raring. I advise you to keep a copy of these changes around in a separate branch, as they will be useful for S. Please contact Didier Roche about anything related to packaging and getting your scope into 13.04.

I'm sorry to bring these news to you, but in the end we all believe in delivering the best UX, and this sometimes means delaying things until we feel they are fully ready. Thank you for all the hard work and effort you put into china-music-scope so far!

Kind Regards,

On 03/26/2013 04:40 AM, 张卫华 wrote:
Hi Pawel,
We have done all steps you advised again. Now unity-china-music-scope with new APIs can work well. Attachment is the screenshot. However, we still have some small issues on packaging and are trying to solve it. BTW, unity-china-music-scope-0.9.0 for 12.04 has already been on UbuntuKylin PPA (https://launchpad.net/~ubuntukylin-members/+archive/ubuntukylin/+packages). But only i386.deb was built now. Version for amd64 hasn't been built for 2 hours...


在 2013-03-26 10:11:02,"Anthony Wong" <anthony.wong@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> 写道:


    On 26 March 2013 09:52, 张卫华 <fly2high@xxxxxxx
    <mailto:fly2high@xxxxxxx>> wrote:

        Hi Pawel,
        Firstly, we have update the code to new APIs ( using
        DeprecatedScope* class), you can find it at

        Then we do as following:apt-get dist-upgrade
        - add ppa:ubuntu-unity/experimental-prevalidation
        - apt-get dist-upgrade
        - run libunity-tool -g
        here is the screenshot:

        Nothing is shown in Dash. And the left is libunity-tool with
        musicstore-scope which is always timeout, while the right hand
        is libunity-tool with china-music-scope in which correct
        results are returned.
        Does it mean that our scope is OK already? Shall we ask for
        FFe or report on FFe bug you have
        ? <https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/unity/+bug/1154229>

        Best regards,

        At 2013-03-26 01:19:25,"Pawel Stolowski"
        <mailto:pawel.stolowski@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>> wrote:


            You should be using the ppa listed in the FFe bug I
            mentioned earlier, which at the moment is empty, in which
            case you can use
            ppa:ubuntu-unity/experimental-prevalidation. You need to
            apt-get dist-upgrade your Ubuntu after enabling it; this
            will replace your entire Unity stack (Dash, libunity,
            lenses etc.). I don't recommend using this ppa on a
            production machine, you may want to use a virtualbox to
            test it out as there are still bugs.

            Let me know if you have any issues,

            Best Regards,

            On 03/25/2013 05:27 PM, 张卫华 wrote:
            Hi Pawel,
            Addition: after we downloaded the newest iso image (May
            25) and installed it, we replaced the libunity to
            libunity-7.0 and we found Dash works abnormaly.

            At 2013-03-22 22:10:39,"Pawel Stolowski"
            <mailto:pawel.stolowski@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

                Hi guys,

                How is the migration to the new API going, any
                problems with it? I haven't got any questions so far,
                can we assume it's going smooth? Please keep in mind
                the weekend is coming, I'll be occasionally checking
                my email, but if anything urgent pops up, there may
                be little/no time for me to react, or we may need
                help from somebody else (if it's beyond my expertise)
                and this can be an issue. Please let me know if you
                need anything as soon as possible.

                Kind Regards,

                On 03/20/2013 04:39 AM, 张卫华 wrote:
                Hi Pawel,
                We will catch up with changes of new API and make
                sure the scope can work in 13.04.


                At 2013-03-15 17:26:30,"Pawel Stolowski"
                <mailto:pawel.stolowski@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

                    Weihua, all,

                    As you might or might now know, the API changes
                    we planned for 13.04 didn't land on time. We're
                    currently working on finishing the transition to
                    the new API and finishing/polishing some areas
                    (in particular the new Home Scope); there is a
                    Feature Freeze Exception bug filed to get the
                    new stack landed if FFE is approved. In other
                    words, you should port your scope to the new API
                    and have a branch ready for merging when all the
                    base infrastructure we're working on lands,
                    otherwise your scope won't work in 13.04.

                    The latest API is available in libunity-7.0
                    branch of libunity, there is a number of scopes
                    ported to it already, plus Unity Dash branch.
                    There are two options for you when porting:
                    - base your scope on DeprecatedScope* class,
                    which requires only minimal changes to your code;
                    - inherit your scope on AbstractScope; this
                    requires more changes as you need to implement a
                    number of abstract methods; this is the
                    recommended way.

                    Both options impose no real changes to "business
                    logic" of scopes. If you choose option #1, you
                    should be able to migrate your code in a matter
                    of few hours tops.

                    Here is the FFe bug I mentioned:
                    There you'll find all relevant branches,
                    information about ppa etc. Take a look at any of
                    the scopes linked there (for default Ubuntu
                    scopes such as applications, files etc. you need
                    to be looking at -libunity7-compatible
                    branches). 100 scopes such as "wikipedia" and
                    other listed there are using the AbstractScope
                    approach, while our default scopes use
                    DeprecatedScope API.

                    Kind Regards,

                    On 01/30/2013 02:15 AM, 张卫华 wrote:
                    Dear Pawel,
                    As you wrote in last email:

                        Until all these changes land in Ubuntu
                        13.04 repositories (which should happen in
                        ~2-3 weeks), the only way to test a scope
                        against new API is:
                        - install latest Dee from trunk and
                        libunity-7 branch (don't install
                        system-wide as this would break your
                        current Unity environment; install them in
                        a dedicated subdirectory).
                        - compile your scope against libunity-7 and
                        run it manually from a terminal.
                        - test search queries with
                        'tool/libunity-tool -g' from libunity-7 branch.

                    We begin to port unity-china-music-scope to new
                    API. Before I start my work I have some questions:
                    1. how to install latest Dee and libunity-7
                    branch in a dedicated subdirectory? Do you mean
                    old version and new version can exist together?
                    2. how to test search queries with
                    'tool/libunity-tool -g' from libunity-7 branch?


Follow ups
