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Re: New proposal for Unity: Launcher and left of top panel (w/ mockups)


Thank you for your comments! I too hope the design team will consider
this for 12.04, even if it's not accepted as it is...

I know what you're saying about the maximized-window control buttons,
and the problem is partly because they're hidden when cursor is not on
top panel. I cannot see any scientific reasoning behind that decision
and hiding those buttons does not make the desktop any leaner, or more
beautiful. The buttons are shown on un-maximized windows, so in fact,
the current design is inconsistent and appears to be buggy. That is
why in my proposal, I bring the buttons back. This way, they should be
just as easy to hit as they are for un-maximized windows.
I know you can invoke the Dash with the Super (Meta) key but you can
close a window with Alt-F4 as well :) My intention is not to throw
back a key combination to you. The main reason I keep coming back with
design ideas like this is because the screen corner is extremely
important and from a design perspective, you have to match that
strategic location with an equally important functionality. Is Unity,
and thus Ubuntu, about "closing maximized windows". I hope not. It
should be about "starting applications, opening up to the rest of the
world, etc. etc." There are now limited number of lenses, but I'm
certain we'll have many more in the near future and Dash will (should)
become more central to the Unity desktop. So, please, let's show it in
the design too.

By the way, I also posted updated my blueprint:

PS: Note that it seems like the mockup for "autohide Launcher and
un-maximized window" seems to be missing but the proposed behavior is
exactly like the proposed behavior here:
http://i54.tinypic.com/2m4rt45.png So, essentially, the application
title is pushed to the right, as described.


On Tue, Sep 6, 2011 at 8:43 AM, Stefanos A. <stapostol@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> 2011/9/6 Kévin PEIGNOT <winniemiel05@xxxxxxxxx>
>> I love this way.
>> In my way, it solve the problem expressed by design test (users try to use
>> home icon to open the Dash), and the problem I actually have (and I think
>> lot of people have) that the Dash button isn't in the corner as it was in
>> 11.04 it's more difficult to use with the mouse.
>> I hope design team will hear this for 12.04, because it's (for me) the
>> biggest design problem in Unity actually.
> Interestingly enough, it's the exact opposite for me. I find that I don't
> use the old or the new BFB all that much, because I tend to invoke the Dash
> through the meta key. (That's in part because the button feels/reacts slow
> to mouse clicks, because it waits for the mouse up event).
> To me, by far the most important design issue right now is that I cannot
> easily hit the X (close) button on maximized windows (this will be fixed, as
> far as I know). The Dash icon doesn't get really as much use here, so I'm
> perfectly fine with its current location.
> That said, the proposal in this thread is pretty intriguing (i.e. having the
> Launcher push or cover the top panel when it appears). I don't know how well
> it would work in practice, but it is an interesting way to marry the
> previous with the current BFB implementation.

Follow ups
