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Re: Lots of mockups, but what is the problem you're trying to solve?


The problem is were seeing lots of Pretty stuff but Core issues are not being addressed

Issue 1: To the end user the dash is first and foremost a programs menu

that being the applications filter lens (you know the nice one with the Application catigories on the left) should be the first thing you see when you Click the button to expand the dash.

Issue 2: The dash is trying to display too much information in to small of a space.

Lets be honest here to find a Spasific application in the current dash you have to click 5 times

Click one Expand dash, click two Applications Lens , Click 3 Filter results , Click 4 Application Category and click 5 expand results.

The dash needs to be designed to eliminate Clicks 2,3 and 5 first by addressing issue 1 and secondly removeing "Apps available for download" as this is redundant with the software enter, and "most frequently used" as this is pointless because Users are going to use there most commonly use Applications to the launcher.

Lets Concentrate on usability first. and make it pretty later.

Follow ups
