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Re: HUD testing


Hi all

2012/2/20 Mohamed Ikbel Boulabiar <boulabiar@xxxxxxxxx>

> 2. The menu items of LibreOffice can be rearranged in a new visualization
> made by HUD, and which can be specific to each application too. For example
> rearranging them in ribbon interface (<it's just an example, not to be
> implemented...) or in any other way.
> And all these changes can be made without touching LibreOffice code.

This sounds like heaven. I dream of:
· adding shortcuts to menu entries that have none
· renaming menu entries
· execute a bash cmd after menu entry usage
· blacklisting a single menu/menu entries
· creating aliases for program functions
· specifying shortcut groups and assigning shortcuts to an alias
· creation of different menu-packs for an application e.g. one for absolute
computer amateurs (minimum menu entries)

I would love to have a simple text file in *~/.config/[app name]/hud/* or *
~/.hud/* for every customized application menu.

· power-user will love it
· companies will love it (they can streamline their tools and hide
functions they don't need or want to be used)
· could increase accessibly for handicapped persons or absolute amateurs
(they see only what they need)
· aliases will allow creation of "action-chains" (it's a bit like add-ons -
you can't imagine what will come up in future)

· support would probably become more difficult (change menu names/order)
· custom shortcuts would overrule app developers (and maybe cause confusion)
· more config files ;)

a dream....
... and one that could become true :)

