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Re: Gnome Panel Creates Window Offsetting


On 21. feb. 2012 03:21, Colton Allen wrote:
If a user prefers to have their unity bar fixed (not set to autohide) then the close, minimize, and maximize buttons are offset to the left. It disjoints the experience. Why not have the Unity Bar take preference before the gnome panel. Users with a fixed bar will not be forced to deal with the offset and users with an autohide bar will have the gnome panel expand to fill the space left by the, now hidden, unity bar.
Has this been taken into account? I think I read somewhere that the 
bar will be fixed by default now.
Example: http://i.imgur.com/K4Z0L.png

When you say Unity Bar, you mean the vertical one at the left hand side, right? That is actually called the Launcher. Unity does not use Gnome Panel. That's a different desktop. It's called Unity Panel.
It is indeed an issue, and I've spent some time trying to come up with a 
better solution – including the one you present. The problem with your 
idea is that it would make it more difficult to close windows without 
hitting the Ubuntu button, similar to the previous issues with the 
launcher in auto-hide.
Interesting challenge.

Jo-Erlend Schinstad

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