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Re: HUD activation key


On Fri, Mar 30, 2012 at 01:01:51PM +0800, Chow Loong Jin wrote:
> I still use GNOME Do in Oneiric as the Dash is pretty slow (and the results not
> satisfactory) in Oneiric, especially if you have not activated it for some time
> so stuff gets swapped out. And yes, Super+Space would definitely cause issues
> with GNOME Do. But ideally, Unity's dash would completely supersede GNOME Do's
> functionality, and this keybinding be freed up.
> That said, how about sticking to the standard F10? If I'm understanding this
> correctly, the HUD is meant to replace menus, so propagating Oneiric's
> default-F10 keybinding for opening up menus would make sense, would it not?

Well. At this point, I can't see amy feature in the HUD that would
allow it to *replacs* traditional menus. It is not a good tool to
browse for featurss - it's 'just' a big improvement in convenient
access to functionality.

As to shortcut keys... I'm rather fond of Super+Alt: Alt is
traditionally associated with menu access. Super is Unity's key and 
the HUD is Unity's fast access to menu features. Using them together
has a pleasant metaphorical 'meaning'... and since they are usually
next to each other on the keyboard, can be done almost as naturally as
hitting a single key.

Z=$[(X=`tput cols`)*(Y=`tput lines`)];O=(X+1 X X-1 1);a(){ k=;for ((p=0;p<Z;p+\
+));do z=$[y=p/X+1,x=p%X+1,0];q=${B[p]};for e in ${O[@]} ${O[@]/#/-};do(((j=p-\
e)>0))&&((0${B[j]}&&z++));done;[ $i ]||z=$[RANDOM%4];c=\ ;((z==3))&&c=1;((z==2\
))&&c=$q;k+="$c";A[p]=$c;done;i=1;echo "$k";B=("${A[@]}");a;};a # Charles Cooke

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