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Re: switching amongst application instances from the unity panel is ineffective (some suggestions on how it could be fixed/improved)


Le 11/04/2012 13:55, Ronan Lucio a écrit :

I just think it's an interesting discussion and I just would like to add keyboard options. For me, it's so important switching from applications using keyboard. It's more productive.

Having to move your hands from keyboard to mouse, select windows, move your hands from mouse to keyboard to continues working is painless action for me. Depending on the working I'm doing (usualy comparing something) I have to do it many times.

Alt-tab is the most used option, but I also like the super-w keys.
The problem super-w keys is almost usefull for using with keyboard.

For mouse using, I would like to see an option that would shows only the app icon (like alt-tab) and when your hover the icon it shows the several instance windows zoomed out, with it's title as a label.

Hope that helps,

alt-"grave" (button above tab) is an interresting alternative for alt-tab, that allows quick switching between the windows of the same application. That allows saving a few painful mouse/keyboard switchings.
