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Den 14. april 2012 22:02, skrev balint777@xxxxxxxxx:
Do you have a weird keyboard, or do you have weird hands? :) Whatever he has, I have it too :) With my hands in resting position, Alt is just to the left of where my thumb naturally rests on the spacebar. Super (AKA 'Windows') is just to the left of that, and Ctrl is just to the left of that. Ctrl, Super and Alt are all approximately the same size. With my hands in resting position, my left pinkie rests on the 'A' key. If I move it down a fraction of an inch, it's on left-shift, and if I move it down another fraction of an inch it's on the left Ctrl key. Both are comfortable movements. This is on a 'pure' american-english keyboard - does yours have some extra keys for Norwegian that change the layout?
No, with regards to the bottom right of the keyboard, it's all the same. Most Norwegians have opposable thumbs though, and can't really use it for typing. The only things I can use it for, is to access space, alt and super. Is this different in America? :)
The point is that when I need to access the Alt key, I only move one single finger. The left thumb. Nothing else moves a millimeter. I don't lift my hand. I just move my thumb from resting on the space bar and to the Alt-key. It's a very similar movement to pressing T. Certainly much more comfortable than pressing Y.
So, when I press Alt, lean forward and look for it, I can see the tip of my thumb between my middle and index fingers. I can type directly into the HUD without stopping for even one second. So, when I'm typing, I don't have to stop typing just in order to change fonts or something. I just type "bold" as if it's part of the text, except my thumb hits the Alt-key. So I've completely stopped using Ctrl+C. I now use Alt "kopi" instead. It's much faster and much more comfortable. I can actually feel the difference in my shoulders.
Super is also accessible the same way, though obviously not quite as comfortably. I'd very much like to get a keyboard with a slightly smaller space bar so that super and alt could be moved further to the right. But without changing the layout radically, I see no way I would ever be able to use Ctrl as comfortably.
-- Jo-Erlend Schinstad
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