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Re: Kill The Sort-By Button



I like this idea (highlight the sorted column), but please do not suppress or hide this possibility to change datas range by column : I use it daily many times both in Nautilus and Thunderbird, it's a very useful feature, to find an item by date / type / sender etc...

It's perfectly adapted / logical, and users, even beginners, quickly understand it. The same for Unity dock and global menu : it can be surprising, but after having seen it the first time by hovering the top panel, it's OK.

Since Gnome 3 and Unity, we have less and less ways to configure, personalize our system, each release some features and options are removed or difficult to modify, please stop thinking for the user. Default choices are yours, but let us all other ways to customize them.

Standardizing interfaces is fine, but I will never replace my home computer with a pad, I need a large screen, a keyboard, a complete and rich Libreoffice suite, softwares like Gimp, PiTivi... I need menus, shortcuts and so, not dconf or terminal to get my things back after each Ubuntu installation / upgrade !

Thanks in advance. Best regards,


On 17/12/2012 10:25, Matthew Paul Thomas wrote:
Thunderbird doesn't have a sort-by button.

Thunderbird, like Nautilus, has column headers that do something when
you click them.

Before picking up the feature scythe, I suggest trying a less drastic
fix. Ubuntu's default theme makes hardly any distinction between the
sorted column and other columns. If the sorted column and column
header were highlighted, that you had changed the sort order would be
more obvious, and how to change it back would also be more obvious.

In general, it's best to assume that a problem has multiple possible
solutions, rather than writing a Subject line that assumes one
particular solution.

- -- mpt

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