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[Ayatana-dev] Unity quicklist shortcut


Re-sending to the right list, per Jorge's suggestion.  Sorry for the

First of all, a big thanks to all of the Unity developers.  I've been
loving the user experience ever since I upgraded to Natty.  I'm
excited for what is to come.

One of the features I really like are the static and dynamic
quicklists.  However, being a keyboard junkie, I prefer to control
things from the keyboard as much as possible.  Yes, I do know about
alt+f1 and then the arrow keys to navigate the launchers and their
quicklists.  Since there is already Super+Number for an individual
launcher, plus Super+Shift+Number to launch a new one, I thought it
might be appropriate to add something like Super+Control+Number to pop
up the quicklist for a given launcher.

I have attempted to write a patch for this, which mostly works.
What's lacking is I can't get keyboard navigation to work, perhaps I'm
not giving the quicklist focus.  I'm unsure of how to do this, so I
thought I would share my branch here and when someone familiar with
the code had a moment, they could take a look and see what I might be

My branch is here:


Thanks again for all of your work and I hope to be able to help
contribute even more to Unity in the future.

Travis B. Hartwell
Software Toolsmith


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