On Wed, Apr 3, 2013 at 10:25 AM, Daniel van Vugt
<daniel.van.vugt@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Yes, sorry the time-line was a little inaccurate. I've fixed it now.
The latest "stable" release is, from the "stable" series 0.9.9. The
current development series (less stable) is 0.9.10.
Current (and accurate) release information should always be at:
and you should pay less attention to:
for now. Although smspillaz said he would update it...
Technically, the latest "stable" version (in terms of major version
numbers) is 0.8.8.
The latest stabilized "unstable" series is
And the latest development version is
We haven't made a stable (0.10.0) series of the post 0.9.0 work, and
in light of developments in terms of where Unity is heading and the
general declining usage of Compiz, there isn't any plan to at the
On 03/04/13 10:19, Balló György wrote:
Hi developers,
I just have a question: which is the latest stable release of compiz,
which officially supported by upstream, and should be packaged by
distributions as a stable package?
It looks like there are three options:
1. The official (legacy?) website[1] states that "The latest stable
release of Compiz is 0.8.8."
2. The timeline on Launchpad[2] states that the Current Stable Release
is the 0.9.8 series, and the latest release of this series is
3. The latest (development?) release on Launchpad download page[3] is
Which is the correct option?
[1] http://www.compiz.org/
[2] https://launchpad.net/compiz/+series
[3] https://launchpad.net/compiz/+download
György Balló
Arch Linux Trusted User
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