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[Merge] lp:~7010622-q/widelands/topple-sounds-6 into lp:widelands


toptopple has proposed merging lp:~7010622-q/widelands/topple-sounds-6 into lp:widelands.

Requested reviews:
  Widelands Developers (widelands-dev)

For more details, see:

Modified smithies sounds to dimmer versions; added tree-falling sounds, substituted Timber shouting with tree-falling. Added sound documentation in .ods spreadsheet format (LibreCalc) into 'doc' folder.

I hope the .ods format is general enough, otherwise I have to look for a suitable export format.
Your team Widelands Developers is requested to review the proposed merge of lp:~7010622-q/widelands/topple-sounds-6 into lp:widelands.
=== modified file 'data/sound/smiths/smith_00.ogg'
Binary files data/sound/smiths/smith_00.ogg	2008-07-30 16:28:18 +0000 and data/sound/smiths/smith_00.ogg	2017-02-09 07:55:50 +0000 differ
=== modified file 'data/sound/smiths/smith_01.ogg'
Binary files data/sound/smiths/smith_01.ogg	2008-07-30 16:28:18 +0000 and data/sound/smiths/smith_01.ogg	2017-02-09 07:55:50 +0000 differ
=== modified file 'data/sound/smiths/smith_02.ogg'
Binary files data/sound/smiths/smith_02.ogg	2008-07-30 16:28:18 +0000 and data/sound/smiths/smith_02.ogg	2017-02-09 07:55:50 +0000 differ
=== modified file 'data/sound/smiths/toolsmith_01.ogg'
Binary files data/sound/smiths/toolsmith_01.ogg	2008-07-30 16:28:18 +0000 and data/sound/smiths/toolsmith_01.ogg	2017-02-09 07:55:50 +0000 differ
=== added file 'data/sound/smiths/xsmith_00.ogg'
Binary files data/sound/smiths/xsmith_00.ogg	1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000 and data/sound/smiths/xsmith_00.ogg	2017-02-09 07:55:50 +0000 differ
=== added file 'data/sound/smiths/xsmith_01.ogg'
Binary files data/sound/smiths/xsmith_01.ogg	1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000 and data/sound/smiths/xsmith_01.ogg	2017-02-09 07:55:50 +0000 differ
=== added file 'data/sound/smiths/xsmith_02.ogg'
Binary files data/sound/smiths/xsmith_02.ogg	1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000 and data/sound/smiths/xsmith_02.ogg	2017-02-09 07:55:50 +0000 differ
=== added file 'data/sound/smiths/xtoolsmith_01.ogg'
Binary files data/sound/smiths/xtoolsmith_01.ogg	1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000 and data/sound/smiths/xtoolsmith_01.ogg	2017-02-09 07:55:50 +0000 differ
=== added file 'data/sound/woodcutting/tree-falling_00.ogg'
Binary files data/sound/woodcutting/tree-falling_00.ogg	1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000 and data/sound/woodcutting/tree-falling_00.ogg	2017-02-09 07:55:50 +0000 differ
=== added file 'data/sound/woodcutting/tree-falling_01.ogg'
Binary files data/sound/woodcutting/tree-falling_01.ogg	1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000 and data/sound/woodcutting/tree-falling_01.ogg	2017-02-09 07:55:50 +0000 differ
=== added file 'data/sound/woodcutting/tree-falling_10.ogg'
Binary files data/sound/woodcutting/tree-falling_10.ogg	1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000 and data/sound/woodcutting/tree-falling_10.ogg	2017-02-09 07:55:50 +0000 differ
=== modified file 'data/tribes/workers/atlanteans/woodcutter/init.lua'
--- data/tribes/workers/atlanteans/woodcutter/init.lua	2017-01-26 13:04:54 +0000
+++ data/tribes/workers/atlanteans/woodcutter/init.lua	2017-02-09 07:55:50 +0000
@@ -35,6 +35,7 @@
          "walk object",
          "play_sound sound/atlanteans/saw sawing 230",
          "animation sawing 10000",
+         "play_sound sound/woodcutting tree-falling 130",
          "object fall",
          "animation idle 2000",
          "createware log",

=== modified file 'data/tribes/workers/barbarians/lumberjack/init.lua'
--- data/tribes/workers/barbarians/lumberjack/init.lua	2016-10-13 13:40:08 +0000
+++ data/tribes/workers/barbarians/lumberjack/init.lua	2017-02-09 07:55:50 +0000
@@ -36,7 +36,8 @@
          "walk object",
          "play_sound sound/woodcutting woodcutting 255",
          "animation hacking 10000",
-         "play_sound sound/spoken timber 192",
+--         "play_sound sound/spoken timber 192",
+         "play_sound sound/woodcutting tree-falling 130",
          "object fall",
          "animation idle 2000",
          "createware log",

=== modified file 'data/tribes/workers/empire/lumberjack/init.lua'
--- data/tribes/workers/empire/lumberjack/init.lua	2016-10-13 13:40:08 +0000
+++ data/tribes/workers/empire/lumberjack/init.lua	2017-02-09 07:55:50 +0000
@@ -36,7 +36,8 @@
          "walk object",
          "play_sound sound/woodcutting fast_woodcutting 250",
          "animation hacking 10000",
-         "play_sound sound/spoken timber 156",
+--         "play_sound sound/spoken timber 156",
+         "play_sound sound/woodcutting tree-falling 130",
          "object fall",
          "animation idle 2000",
          "createware log",

=== added file 'doc/wl sound docu (toptopple).ods'
Binary files doc/wl sound docu (toptopple).ods	1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000 and doc/wl sound docu (toptopple).ods	2017-02-09 07:55:50 +0000 differ

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