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Re: yade-lib-algorithms


Janek Kozicki wrote:


recently you have added a new package yade-lib-algorithms. The problem
is that I don't understand the purpose of this package. I need you to
explain me what is it for, etc.

And also, look here:


I need a brief description for this package, because its description now is "...."

and also, please tell me, really, what is the purpose of this package if
nothing in yade is using it? Please look here:


from this diagram you can see that it is possible to compile and install
yade without this package.

I'd like you to know, that "algorithms" is so generic word, that giving
this name to almost empty package is not a good idea. Because following
things are algorithms:

- all interaction solvers, - all distances and intersections calculations, (computational geometry),
- almost all engines (StandAloneEngine, DeusExMachina, etc..),
- bubble sort,
- C++ STL operations on containers (sorting, searching, copying, ...),
- marching cubes

So I really think that we shouldn't have a library with name
"algorithms". Please explain what are your intentions.

If you insist on this name, then I want to put inside whole

This package is going to contain any kind of usefull implementation of well known algorithm that do not belong to another package. So it will no contain stuff related to computationnal geometry for example. For now I've put some perlin noise implementation (I'm using it in snippets to test the 4D marching cube algo). This algo is very useful but when I wanted an implementation I had to search a lot on the web and to adapt the code to our data structure ... so now that it is done I've put it into this package so that we can reuse it in the future. An other useful algo I want to put into is the Radix Sort that can sort integral or floating number always in O(n) which is much faster than any other kind of sorting algo ...

Of course if one day we see that in this package 3 or 4 algo belong to the same field we can extract them to a new package specifically related to this field.

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