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Re: my impression of BZR


Well, please bear with bzr for the moment, if it comes out to be not feasible, we will switch back to svn. For eclipse, go https://launchpad.net/bzr-eclipse (never tried this plugin and never used (not even seen, for that matter) eclipse, though).

Humm, and one more thing. Exactly what changes to yade are required by
non-core people? I hope it's not yade core itself, but external parts.
Can't one develop them separatly from yade itself? If not, we should
focus on enabling that kind of work. And, if separate work brings some
needs in core, core team should try to help to solve these problems.

It applies to core as well (perhaps primarily). If you will refactor containers, I will not be very happy if trunk will be not compile for some weeks, since that will break what I will do - e.g. messing with Body stuff, which will break others; work.

What can work with Linux distros, which are relatively loosely connected parts,
will not necesserly work for yade code, with it's tight relations
between components...


I found bzr IRC to be very helpful, though. Some remarks to that:

1. The checkout speed is related to many roundtrips for both http (better) and sftp (worse). Next month, launchpad will add support for bzr+ssh and bzr+http, which should remedy these problems.

2. You can do "bzr status -r -1:https://code.launchpad.net/~yade-team/yade/trunk"; for status against latest (-1) upstream revision. I wrote a plugin to simplify that -- put it into ~/.bazaar/plugins and say just "bzr st -r master:" or "bzr diff -r master:" (attached).

3. Tags are disabled by default for backwards compatibility with bzr <0.15. It is a matter of running "bzr upgrade --dirstate-tags" in the repo, then it will work. If it is needed, we can upgrade the central repo.

## vim: ai ts=4 et ##

from bzrlib import revisionspec, errors

class RevisionSpec_master(revisionspec.RevisionSpec):
    """Selects lastest revision from master branch."""

    help_txt = """Selects latest revision from master branch.

      $ bzr diff -r master:

    prefix = 'master:'

    def _match_on(self, branch, revs):
        master_branch = branch.get_master_branch()
        if master_branch is None:
            raise errors.InvalidRevisionSpec(self.spec,branch,extra="No master branch.")
        master_revno, master_revision_id = master_branch.last_revision_info()
        return revisionspec.RevisionInfo(branch, revno=None, rev_id=master_revision_id)

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