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Re: Fwd: Re: scons and linkage rules


"_FSGetCatalogInfo", referenced from:
   Wm3::System::GetPath(char const*, char const*)in miniWm3.os
   Wm3::System::GetPath(char const*, char const*)in miniWm3.os
   Wm3::System::GetPath(char const*, char const*)in miniWm3.os
"_GetProcessBundleLocation", referenced from:
   Wm3::System::GetPath(char const*, char const*)in miniWm3.os
"_GetCurrentProcess", referenced from:
   Wm3::System::GetPath(char const*, char const*)in miniWm3.os
"_FSRefMakePath", referenced from:
   Wm3::System::GetPath(char const*, char const*)in miniWm3.os
BTW we don't use Wm3System.h ourselves at all, it is there because the sthings we use (Vector3, Quaternion etc) include that file for some memory-related routines. I wanted to keep the files as they are originally in case we ever upgrade to newer wm3 version, but that doesn't seem very likely at this moment anyway. So you can probably just delete GetPath from the header and .ccp file and see if it compiles. If it doesn't, it isn't really needed.


This problem is solved thanks to your help.
I added env.Append(FRAMEWORKS=['CoreServices','Carbon']) to the SConstruc.

How can we 'test' the platform with scons (or python)?
I would like to write something like:

if "platform is macosx"
	# ...
	# ...

for information, both lib*.dylib and *.os are generated:

$ ls -al ../build-vr/lib/
total 192
drwxr-xr-x   5 richefeu  staff    170 27 aoû 18:19 .
drwxr-xr-x  10 richefeu  staff    340 27 aoû 18:20 ..
-rwxr-xr-x   1 richefeu  staff  45104 27 aoû 18:19 libminiWm3.dylib
-rw-r--r--   1 richefeu  staff    877 27 aoû 18:19 miniWm3.cpp
-rw-r--r--   1 richefeu  staff  43600 27 aoû 18:19 miniWm3.os


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