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Re: status of yade.hmg.inpg.fr yade-dem.org ?


Are we ready to switch?

No, at least two things still prevents us:

1. there is no redirect from http: to https:
people visiting http://yade.hmg.inpg.fr/ get a stupid error message:

   "The requested URL / was not found on this server."

Not a problem at all. You have to accept the certificate once in your life (provided you don't buy a new pc...), and then you can work with the wiki.

2. the original wiki isn't fully copied. Just browse the pages, and
you will see lots of missing links. For example:


  All .pdfs, that were uploaded to our wiki, are not here! And people
  had put a lot of effort to upload their stuff. Don't expect them
  all to do this again.

Good remark. It just needs to be pointed out. When we noticed with Vincent some images were not automaticaly linked, it took Remi one command to fix it. It should be the same with pdf (perhaps Remi just forgot a "*.pdf" in his previous command...).

Some files are still relying on berlios !! Those files should be now
put on server in Grenoble. We stopped using berlios, or maybe not?

Look at:


You need a bot, that travels all pages, and downloads remote links,
if they point to a single file (a .pdf, or a movie, or maybe sth.
else). Or if it's too time consuming to write a bot for that, some
person needs to sit down and download all stuff from all pages on

Agreed again.

So currently we still have two wikis, that de-sychronize at
catastrophic speed, and not a single guy, that wants to spend time to
work to fully switch. What a mess.

Simple solution : everybody switch to the new wiki now. Thats what I suggested a while ago, but then people started complaining about long name and the certificate they had to accept once. NOTHING prevents a full use of yade.hmg at the moment.
The bugs you noticed need to be fixed, nothing more.

And yes, it is possible to stack several "RedirectMatch 301"
requests. So it is possible to have first a http://yade.hmg.inpg.fr/
and redirect later to http://yade-dem.org.
Very good!

Now we can make bets on
how much time this all will take :P. My optimistic bet is: 10 months. :>
Pessimistic bet: never, and two insanely different wikis.
In the worst case (no yade-dem in 10 months), the company that certified yade.hmg website will be included in the "trusted" list of firefox even before, so you won't have to accept the certificate any more. You will be left with that insanely long name though! ;)



Chareyre Bruno
Maître de Conférences

Grenoble INP
Laboratoire 3SR - bureau E145
BP 53 - 38041, Grenoble cedex 9 - France
Tél : 33 4 56 52 86 21
Fax : 33 4 76 82 70 43

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