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Re: some smaller changes


> Does this mean that clumps do not have a bounding box?  Do you
> recommend a similar treatment for my superquadratics?
Well, clumps are just collection of bodies, it makes no sense that they
would interact; it is the bodies inside clump that do. For
superquadratics, if you want them to not interact, you just don't add
Bo1_Superquad_Aabb functor (or whatever you call it) to BoundDispatcher.
But what would be the use if they would have no interactions at all?

> Another slight request, maybe because i'm a beginner, is that the
> variable names and methods of assessing them, should be quite the same
> in python and in C++.  Then, users can find it in Doxygen.  E.g.,
> O.bodies[1].state.pos, which is great at this point, because 'pos' has
> the same spelling in C++ and it is under the class 'State'.   Of
> course, now not all variables in State are wrapped yet, and hopefully
> the coming ones will be as great as this.

You can always access Serializable variables using the ['attrName']
notation in python, O.bodies[1].state.pos gives you the same as
O.bodies[1].state['pos']. It is a questions what should be wrapped with
the shortcut names. If they are frequently used, I am open to that. It
is as easy as adding


to yadeWrapper.cpp. OTOH I would like to avoid explosion of wrapping
everything, of course.

Cheers, V

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