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Re: velgrad


I'm working on the code atm. Just two remarks for now :

1) //! stretch ratio ?(n) (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Finite_strain_theory#Stretch_ratio)

This comment is wrong, the strectch ratio is |F.x|/|x|, which is a function of non-diagonal terms. The values returned by getStretchRatio are not stretchRatios, they have no clear meaning and are not invariants of F. As mentionned before, out of diagonal terms have an effect on stretch ratios (this is why I don't know how to work with _size without Hsize).

2) The stress update is not done at each step, this is a problem since the size of the period will be controlled based on outdated values.

I think I'll commit to a branch, I have too many changes in view and I don't want to mess with the trunk.



Chareyre Bruno
Maître de Conférences

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