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Message #03563
[Branch ~yade-dev/yade/trunk] Rev 2069: NEW TRY to add the updated version of cohesiveFrictionalContactLaw called cohesiveFrictionalPM (s...
revno: 2069
committer: Luc Scholtes <sch50p@fluent-ph>
branch nick: trunk
timestamp: Wed 2010-03-10 09:43:53 +1000
NEW TRY to add the updated version of cohesiveFrictionalContactLaw called cohesiveFrictionalPM (see revision 2068)
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=== added file 'pkg/dem/Engine/GlobalEngine/CohesiveFrictionalPM.cpp'
--- pkg/dem/Engine/GlobalEngine/CohesiveFrictionalPM.cpp 1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
+++ pkg/dem/Engine/GlobalEngine/CohesiveFrictionalPM.cpp 2010-03-09 23:43:53 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,189 @@
+/* LucScholtes2010 */
+/********************** Law2_ScGeom_CFpmPhys_CohesiveFrictionalPM ****************************/
+void Law2_ScGeom_CFpmPhys_CohesiveFrictionalPM::go(shared_ptr<InteractionGeometry>& ig, shared_ptr<InteractionPhysics>& ip, Interaction* contact, Scene* rootBody){
+ ScGeom* geom = static_cast<ScGeom*>(ig.get());
+ CFpmPhys* phys = static_cast<CFpmPhys*>(ip.get());
+ int id1 = contact->getId1();
+ int id2 = contact->getId2();
+ shared_ptr<BodyContainer>& bodies = rootBody->bodies;
+ Body* b1 = ( *bodies ) [id1].get();
+ Body* b2 = ( *bodies ) [id2].get();
+ Real dt = Omega::instance().getTimeStep();
+ Real displN = geom->penetrationDepth; // NOTE: the sign for penetrationdepth is different from ScGeom and Dem3DofGeom: geom->penetrationDepth>0 when spheres interpenetrate
+ Real D = 0; // initial interparticular distance
+ Real Dtensile=phys->FnMax/phys->kn;
+ Real Dsoftening = phys->strengthSoftening*Dtensile;
+ /*to set the equilibrium distance between all cohesive elements when they first meet*/
+ if ( contact->isFresh(rootBody) && phys->isCohesive) { phys->initD = displN; phys->normalForce = Vector3r::ZERO; phys->shearForce = Vector3r::ZERO;}
+ D = displN - phys->initD; // displacement is computed depending on the equilibrium distance
+ /* Determination of interaction */
+ if (D < 0){ //spheres do not touch
+ if (!phys->isCohesive){ rootBody->interactions->requestErase(contact->getId1(),contact->getId2()); return; } // destroy the interaction before calculation
+ if ((phys->isCohesive) && (abs(D) > (Dtensile + Dsoftening))) { // spheres are bonded and the interacting distance is greater than the one allowed ny the defined cohesion
+ phys->isCohesive=false;
+ rootBody->interactions->requestErase(contact->getId1(),contact->getId2()); return;
+ }
+ }
+ /*NormalForce*/
+ Real Fn=0, Dsoft=0;
+ if ((D < 0) && (abs(D) > Dtensile)) { //to take into account strength softening
+ Dsoft = D+Dtensile; // Dsoft<0 for a negative value of Fn (attractive force)
+ Fn = phys->FnMax+(phys->kn/phys->strengthSoftening)*Dsoft; // computes FnMax - FnSoftening
+ }
+ else {
+ Fn = phys->kn*D;
+ }
+ phys->normalForce = Fn*geom->normal; // NOTE normal is position2-position1 - It is directed from particle1 to particle2
+ /*ShearForce*/
+ Vector3r& shearForce = phys->shearForce;
+ // using scGeom function updateShear(Vector3r& shearForce, Real ks, const Vector3r& prevNormal, const State* rbp1, const State* rbp2, Real dt, bool avoidGranularRatcheting)
+ State* st1 = Body::byId(id1,rootBody)->state.get();
+ State* st2 = Body::byId(id2,rootBody)->state.get();
+ geom->updateShearForce(shearForce, phys->ks, phys->prevNormal, st1, st2, dt, preventGranularRatcheting);
+ // needed for the next timestep
+ phys->prevNormal = geom->normal;
+ /* Morh-Coulomb criterion */
+ Vector3r Fs = shearForce; // NOTE the following could be done directly with shearForce?
+ Real maxFs = abs(Fn)*phys->tanFrictionAngle + phys->FsMax;
+ if (Fs.SquaredLength() > maxFs*maxFs){
+ phys->isCohesive=false; //if not already false to delete cohesive interactions
+ Fs*=maxFs/Fs.Length(); // to fix the shear force to its yielding value with the right sign
+ }
+ phys->shearForce = Fs;
+ /* Apply forces */
+ Vector3r f = phys->normalForce + phys->shearForce;
+ // NOTE applyForceAtContactPoint computes torque induced by normal and shear force too
+ applyForceAtContactPoint(f, geom->contactPoint, contact->getId2(), b2->state->pos, contact->getId1(), b1->state->pos, rootBody); // NOTE id1 and id2 must suit the orientation of the force
+ /* Moment Rotation Law */
+ // NOTE this part could probably be computed in ScGeom to avoid copy/paste multiplication !!!
+ Quaternionr delta( b1->state->ori * phys->initialOrientation1.Conjugate() *phys->initialOrientation2 * b2->state->ori.Conjugate()); //relative orientation
+ Vector3r axisM; // axis of rotation - this is the Moment direction UNIT vector.
+ Real angleM; // angle represents the power of resistant ELASTIC moment
+ delta.ToAxisAngle(axisM,angleM);
+ if(angleM > Mathr::PI) angleM -= Mathr::TWO_PI; // angle is between 0 and 2*pi, but should be between -pi and pi
+ phys->cumulativeRotation = angleM;
+ //Find angle*axis. That's all. But first find angle about contact normal. Result is scalar. Axis is contact normal.
+ Real angle_twist(angleM * axisM.Dot(geom->normal) ); //rotation about normal
+ Vector3r axis_twist(angle_twist * geom->normal);
+ Vector3r moment_twist(axis_twist * phys->kr);
+ Vector3r axis_bending(angleM*axisM - axis_twist); //total rotation minus rotation about normal
+ Vector3r moment_bending(axis_bending * phys->kr);
+ Vector3r moment = moment_twist + moment_bending;
+ Real MomentMax = phys->maxBend*std::fabs(phys->normalForce.Length());
+ Real scalarMoment = moment.Length();
+ /*Plastic moment */
+ if(scalarMoment > MomentMax)
+ {
+ Real ratio = 0;
+ ratio *= MomentMax/scalarMoment; // to fix the moment to its yielding value
+ moment *= ratio;
+ moment_twist *= ratio;
+ moment_bending *= ratio;
+ }
+ phys->moment_twist = moment_twist;
+ phys->moment_bending = moment_bending;
+ rootBody->forces.addTorque(id1,-moment);
+ rootBody->forces.addTorque(id2, moment);
+void Ip2_CFpmMat_CFpmMat_CFpmPhys::go(const shared_ptr<Material>& b1, const shared_ptr<Material>& b2, const shared_ptr<Interaction>& interaction){
+ /* avoid any updates if the interaction already exists */
+ if(interaction->interactionPhysics) return;
+ ScGeom* geom=dynamic_cast<ScGeom*>(interaction->interactionGeometry.get());
+ assert(geom);
+ const shared_ptr<CFpmMat>& yade1 = YADE_PTR_CAST<CFpmMat>(b1);
+ const shared_ptr<CFpmMat>& yade2 = YADE_PTR_CAST<CFpmMat>(b2);
+ shared_ptr<CFpmPhys> contactPhysics(new CFpmPhys());
+ /* From interaction physics */
+ Real E1 = yade1->young;
+ Real E2 = yade2->young;
+ Real V1 = yade1->poisson;
+ Real V2 = yade2->poisson;
+ Real f1 = yade1->frictionAngle;
+ Real f2 = yade2->frictionAngle;
+ /* From interaction geometry */
+ Real R1= geom->radius1;
+ Real R2= geom->radius2;
+ Real rMean = 0.5*(R1+R2);
+ Real crossSection = Mathr::PI*pow(min(R1,R2),2);
+ /* calculate stiffness */
+ Real kNormal=0, kShear=0, kRotate=0;
+ if(useAlphaBeta == true){
+ kNormal = 2.*E1*R1*E2*R2/(E1*R1+E2*R2); // harmonic average of two stiffnesses
+ kShear = Alpha*kNormal;
+ kRotate = Beta*kShear*rMean*rMean;
+ }
+ else {
+ kNormal = 2.*E1*R1*E2*R2/(E1*R1+E2*R2); // harmonic average of two stiffnesses
+ kShear = 2.*E1*R1*V1*E2*R2*V2/(E1*R1*V1+E2*R2*V2); // harmonic average of two stiffnesses with ks=V*kn for each sphere
+ kRotate = 0.;
+ }
+ /* Pass values calculated from above to CFpmPhys */
+ contactPhysics->kn = kNormal;
+ contactPhysics->ks = kShear;
+ contactPhysics->kr = kRotate;
+ contactPhysics->frictionAngle = std::min(f1,f2);
+ contactPhysics->tanFrictionAngle = std::tan(contactPhysics->frictionAngle);
+ contactPhysics->maxBend = eta*rMean;
+ contactPhysics->prevNormal = geom->normal;
+ contactPhysics->initialOrientation1 = Body::byId(interaction->getId1())->state->ori;
+ contactPhysics->initialOrientation2 = Body::byId(interaction->getId2())->state->ori;
+ ///to set if the contact is cohesive or not
+ if ( (scene->currentIteration < cohesiveTresholdIteration) && ((tensileStrength>0) || (cohesion>0)) && (yade1->type == yade2->type)){ contactPhysics->isCohesive=true; }
+ if ( contactPhysics->isCohesive ) {
+ contactPhysics->FnMax = tensileStrength*crossSection;
+ contactPhysics->strengthSoftening = strengthSoftening;
+ contactPhysics->FsMax = cohesion*crossSection;
+ }
+ interaction->interactionPhysics = contactPhysics;
\ No newline at end of file
=== added file 'pkg/dem/Engine/GlobalEngine/CohesiveFrictionalPM.hpp'
--- pkg/dem/Engine/GlobalEngine/CohesiveFrictionalPM.hpp 1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
+++ pkg/dem/Engine/GlobalEngine/CohesiveFrictionalPM.hpp 2010-03-09 23:43:53 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,101 @@
+/* lucScholtes2010 */
+#pragma once
+=== OVERVIEW OF CohesiveFrictionalPM ===
+CohesiveFrictional Particle Model (CohesiveFrictionalPM, CFpm) is a set of classes for modelling mechanical behavior of cohesive frictional material. It is a quite general contact model starting from the basic frictional model with the possible addition of a moment between particles, a tensile strength and a cohesion.
+Features of the interaction law:
+1. If useAlphaBeta=False, Kn, Ks are calculated from the harmonic average of the "macro" material parameters young (E) and poisson (V) as defined in SimpleElasticRelationships.cpp and Kr=0.
+2. If useAlphaBeta=True, users have to input Alpha=Ks/Kn, Beta=Kr/(Ks*meanRadius^2), eta=MtPlastic/(meanRadius*Fn) as defined in Plassiard et al. (Granular Matter, 2009) A spherical discrete element model.
+3. Users can input a tensile strength ( FnMax = tensileStrength*) and a cohesion ( FsMax = cohesion*(Ks*meanRadius))
+ Remark: - This contact law works well in the case of sphere/sphere and sphere/box interaction as it uses ScGeom to compute the interaction geometry (suitable for the triaxialTest)
+ - It has not been tested for sphere/facet or sphere/wall interactions and could be updated to be used by DemXDofGeom
+/** This class holds information associated with each body */
+class CFpmMat: public FrictMat {
+ YADE_CLASS_BASE_DOC_ATTRS_CTOR(CFpmMat,FrictMat,"cohesive frictional material, for use with other CFpm classes",
+ ((int,type,0,"Type of the particle. If particles of two different types interact, it will be with friction only (no cohesion).[-]")),
+ createIndex();
+ );
+/** This class holds information associated with each interaction */
+class CFpmPhys: public NormShearPhys {
+ public:
+ virtual ~CFpmPhys();
+ YADE_CLASS_BASE_DOC_ATTRS_CTOR_PY(CFpmPhys,NormShearPhys,"Representation of a single interaction of the CFpm type, storage for relevant parameters",
+ ((Real,initD,0,"equilibrium distance for particles. Computed as the initial interparticular distance when bonded particle interact. initD=0 for non cohesive interactions."))
+ ((bool,isCohesive,false,"If false, particles interact in a frictional way. If true, particles are bonded regarding the given cohesion and tensileStrength."))
+ ((Real, frictionAngle,0,"defines Coulomb friction. [deg]"))
+ ((Real,tanFrictionAngle,0,"Tangent of frictionAngle. [-]"))
+ ((Real,FnMax,0,"Defines the maximum admissible normal force in traction FnMax=tensileStrength*crossSection, with crossSection=pi*Rmin^2. [Pa]"))
+ ((Real,FsMax,0,"Defines the maximum admissible tangential force in shear FsMax=cohesion*FnMax, with crossSection=pi*Rmin^2. [Pa]"))
+ ((Real,strengthSoftening,0,"Defines the softening when Dtensile is reached to avoid explosion. Typically, when D > Dtensile, Fn=FnMax - (kn/strengthSoftening)*(Dtensile-D). [-]"))
+ ((Real,cumulativeRotation,0,"Cumulated rotation... [-]"))
+ ((Real,kr,0,"Defines the stiffness to compute the resistive moment in rotation. [-]"))
+ ((Real,maxBend,0,"Defines the maximum admissible resistive moment in rotation Mtmax=maxBend*Fn, maxBend=eta*meanRadius. [m]"))
+ ((Vector3r,prevNormal,Vector3r::ZERO,"Normal to the contact at previous time step."))
+ ((Vector3r,moment_twist,Vector3r::ZERO," [N.m]"))
+ ((Vector3r,moment_bending,Vector3r::ZERO," [N.m]"))
+ ((Quaternionr,initialOrientation1,Quaternionr(1.0,0.0,0.0,0.0),"Use for moment computation."))
+ ((Quaternionr,initialOrientation2,Quaternionr(1.0,0.0,0.0,0.0),"Use for moment computation."))
+ ,
+ createIndex();
+ ,
+ );
+/** 2d functor creating InteractionPhysics (Ip2) taking CFpmMat and CFpmMat of 2 bodies, returning type CFpmPhys */
+class Ip2_CFpmMat_CFpmMat_CFpmPhys: public InteractionPhysicsFunctor{
+ public:
+ virtual void go(const shared_ptr<Material>& pp1, const shared_ptr<Material>& pp2, const shared_ptr<Interaction>& interaction);
+ FUNCTOR2D(CFpmMat,CFpmMat);
+ YADE_CLASS_BASE_DOC_ATTRS(Ip2_CFpmMat_CFpmMat_CFpmPhys,InteractionPhysicsFunctor,"Converts 2 CFpmmat instances to CFpmPhys with corresponding parameters.",
+ ((int,cohesiveTresholdIteration,1,"Should new contacts be cohesive? They will before this iter, they won't afterward."))
+ ((bool,useAlphaBeta,false,"If true, stiffnesses are computed based on Alpha and Beta."))
+ ((Real,Alpha,0,"Defines the ratio ks/kn."))
+ ((Real,Beta,0,"Defines the ratio kr/(ks*meanRadius^2) to compute the resistive moment in rotation. [-]"))
+ ((Real,eta,0,"Defines the maximum admissible resistive moment in rotation MtMax=eta*meanRadius*Fn. [-]"))
+ ((Real,tensileStrength,0,"Defines the maximum admissible normal force in traction FnMax=tensileStrength*crossSection. [Pa]"))
+ ((Real,cohesion,0,"Defines the maximum admissible tangential force in shear FsMax=cohesion*crossSection. [Pa]"))
+ ((Real,strengthSoftening,0,"Defines the softening when Dtensile is reached to avoid explosion of the contact. Typically, when D > Dtensile, Fn=FnMax - (kn/strengthSoftening)*(Dtensile-D). [-]"))
+ );
+/** 2d functor creating the interaction law (Law2) based on SphereContactGeometry (ScGeom) and CFpmPhys of 2 bodies, returning type CohesiveFrictionalPM */
+class Law2_ScGeom_CFpmPhys_CohesiveFrictionalPM: public LawFunctor{
+ public:
+ virtual void go(shared_ptr<InteractionGeometry>& _geom, shared_ptr<InteractionPhysics>& _phys, Interaction* I, Scene* rootBody);
+ FUNCTOR2D(ScGeom,CFpmPhys);
+ YADE_CLASS_BASE_DOC_ATTRS(Law2_ScGeom_CFpmPhys_CohesiveFrictionalPM,LawFunctor,"Constitutive law for the CFpm model.",
+ ((bool,preventGranularRatcheting,false,"If true rotations are computed such as granular ratcheting is prevented. See F. ALONSO-MARROQUIN, R. GARCIA-ROJO, H.J. HERRMANN, Micro-mechanical investigation of granular ratcheting, in Cyclic Behaviour of Soils and Liquefaction Phenomena, ed. T. Triantafyllidis (Balklema, London, 2004), p. 3-10 - and a lot more papers from the same authors)."))
+ );
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